Sunday, 15 March 2009

Bruce in Action

Based on another great tutorial by Andrew Kramer (visit I tried to create a 3D scene from a still photo. I just typed "action star" in google and guess who popped up? Well, it's not really a guess since you can see him right bellow this text. But I love Bruce, so the choice was quite obvious.

Original image:

Final Render:

I just recently discovered the power of a stamp tool in Photoshop allowing you to clone certain parts of a still image. This way I could cut Bruce out of the image and extend the wall behind him.

- Martin


  1. wow, I'm impressed! always wondered how they did it.. looks quite incredible!
    great to see all your blog, Martin.
    i dropped by not only to thank you for your comment (btw, I replied to you and Verica in a new comment there), but also to let you know that I actually decided to move the blog to a more suitable and much more user friendly server at

    btw, if you haven't tried it yet, WordPress generally feels far better as a blogging interface, the customization is much more flexible and incredibly intuitive so if you haven't tried it yet, i can only recommend it to you.



  2. Hey, thank you for your comment. I must say im quite comfortable with blogspot, no need to switch portals yet, but ill definitely check wordpress - your new blog is great.
    Looking forward to next English class :-)
    - Martin
